Galactic Modern Guitar I
Discover the foundations of harmonic/ melodic control on the guitar with a fresh and exciting approach. There are 38 video tutorials with clear written and spoken explanations, notation, tab, and PDFs.
Discover the foundations of harmonic/ melodic control on the guitar with a fresh and exciting approach. There are 38 video tutorials with clear written and spoken explanations, notation, tab, and PDFs.
Unleash the full potential of your guitar expression by developing the freedom to navigate through any variety of musical situations. Combine, mix, and match both horizontal and vertical movements on the fretboard for total freedom.
Master Jazz essentials! including: voicings, scales, harmonic progressions, voice leading, alterations and basic to advanced chord progressions. 30 video tutorials featuring clear written and audio explanations, notations, tabs, and PDFs.
Master the Melodic Minor scale and never run out of great soloing ideas. Get inspired & experience the flow through "real time" transcriptions. Reach that "aha! Moment through soloing, etudes, and analysis.
51 hot original modern jazz licks. Complete with video demonstrations in several tempos, backing tracks and easy to follow music sheet - notation & tabs.
It's Here! The Perfect Complementary Course for Galactic Modern Guitar:
Ignite Your Improvisational Brilliance
with a Community-Driven Learning Experience.