I Couldn’t Play 300 BPM Until I Learned This..

How do you take something as challenging as 300 bpm improvisations over chord changes and make it sound fluid and effortless? Sit tight, relax, and give me a few minutes to dive deep and help you change your playing.

Breakthrough in Playing Fast Lines
My biggest breakthrough with fast lines is related to how I imagine those lines—how they sound and feel. It’s about finding an approach that allows for an effortlessly flowing execution.

Here’s what I discovered:

  1. Comfort and Efficiency
    I want my lines to feel as comfortable as possible. This means finding the most efficient way to practice arpeggios and scales to get the sound and technique I want. This includes considering whether you’re alternate picking or using legato techniques like hammer-ons and pull-offs. Are you playing arpeggios on two strings or more? Perhaps you’re using sweep picking.Personally, I wanted to emulate the sound of a horn player and enjoy the legato style of players like John Scofield and Allan Holdsworth. Now, I’ll show you some powerful tips on how you can apply this to your playing.[Please pick that like button—it really helps with YouTube!]
  2. Finger Awareness
    Be aware of which fingers you use when playing arpeggios and scales. For example, with a C major exercise, staying aware of finger choices helps prepare for the next shape:
    • For C major triad, prepare your fingers to transition smoothly.
    • Transitioning with the second and fourth fingers, and barring where necessary.
    This awareness leads to playing efficiently and achieving a good sound from your fingers.
  3. Sound and Technique
    How you play influences the sound. For instance, if you want a different sound, like a more legato feel rather than a sweeping one, you can skip a string:
    • Use this approach to avoid a sweepy sound and achieve a different, smoother tone.
    Reverse-engineering the efficiency of movement helps create the desired flow in your playing.
  4. Right-Hand Technique
    For right-hand technique, anchoring your hand and tilting your pick can greatly affect your sound. Playing with a floating hand and a flat pick can sound messy and uncontrolled. Anchoring your pinky and tilting the pick can provide a more controlled and pleasing sound.Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you. Minimal arm movement with wrist-based picking is often more effective.Let me know in the comments below what your approach is and what discoveries you’ve made about right-hand picking efficiency.
  5. Legato Approach
    For a legato sound:
    • Use slides and pull-offs.
    • Pick once, hammer on, then pick again.
    • Leave room for hammer-ons or pull-offs to achieve a smooth, flowing sound.
    Practice scales with both alternate picking and legato techniques to explore different sounds.
  6. Phrasing and Accents
    When learning tunes, think about accents and phrasing:
    • For example, when playing “Donna Lee” by Charlie Parker, think about how accents, hammer-ons, and pull-offs affect the sound.
    • Practice with different articulations to create contrast and flow in your phrases.
    There’s no difference between practicing an arpeggio, scale, melody, or soloing in real-time. Keep your intention of being relaxed and articulate, making your phrases sound exactly as you imagine them.

Connecting ideas fluently on the instrument requires a specific mindset. It’s about the idea and how you imagine that sound being projected, not just technique. Whether you’re inspired by B.B. King or Allan Holdsworth, each player has a unique vision.

I invite you to explore my Galactic Modern Guitar program, linked in the description below, for guidance and resources to solidify your harmonic and melodic knowledge, and to work on your technique in a musical way.

If you’re interested in a great arpeggio workout, click this video:


What’s the secret to keeping up with 300 bpm improvisations, while making it sound effortless and flowing?

When it comes to playing fast lines (300 bpm lol ) biggest breakthrough was realizing the way
I want my playing to feel and sound.

for me, it’s all about how I’m imagining my lines!

What would they sound/feel like?
How can I execute them easily?
How can I make them as comfortable as possible to play?
–> Our goal is to get the sound we imagine into our fingers!
For me, that means I always have to find the best ways to practice my lines, arpeggios and scales to get to that place!

You see, I wanted the technique and ability to control speed without sacrificing the quality of my phrasing.

I had to ask myself:

When do I use alternate picking?
When Do I play legato and utilize hammer-ons and pull-offs?
How many strings am I using for arpeggios?
Am I a sweeper?
In terms of sound, I knew what I like!

Photo: Nosferatu it licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported used with slight moderation

I guess I was going for that flute or saxophone phrasing sound.

As far as guitar players go, I enjoy listening to players like

John Scofield and Allan Holdsworth – who incorporate legato in such a musical way!

I wanted to find these Legato qualities in my own playing!

and In this video I show you my take on

How YOU can manifest EXACTLY that (in 300 bpm as well…).