I Couldn’t Play 300 BPM Until I Learned This..

What’s the secret to keeping up with 300 bpm improvisations, while making it sound effortless and flowing?

When it comes to playing fast lines (300 bpm lol ) biggest breakthrough was realizing the way
I want my playing to feel and sound.

for me, it’s all about how I’m imagining my lines!

What would they sound/feel like?
How can I execute them easily?
How can I make them as comfortable as possible to play?
–> Our goal is to get the sound we imagine into our fingers!
For me, that means I always have to find the best ways to practice my lines, arpeggios and scales to get to that place!

You see, I wanted the technique and ability to control speed without sacrificing the quality of my phrasing.

I had to ask myself:

When do I use alternate picking?
When Do I play legato and utilize hammer-ons and pull-offs?
How many strings am I using for arpeggios?
Am I a sweeper?
In terms of sound, I knew what I like!

Photo: Nosferatu it licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported used with slight moderation

I guess I was going for that flute or saxophone phrasing sound.

As far as guitar players go, I enjoy listening to players like

John Scofield and Allan Holdsworth – who incorporate legato in such a musical way!

I wanted to find these Legato qualities in my own playing!

and In this video I show you my take on

How YOU can manifest EXACTLY that (in 300 bpm as well…).