Finding Your Own Musical Voice

The Artist’s Journey

An artist’s journey?
To what extent is it a quest for knowledge?
To what extent is it about creation?
Is there a balance between the two?
If so, how would you describe it?
The following is my current viewpoint on the matter.

A determined (artist) aspires to achieve individuality and uniqueness, but can easily become lost in data and information.

Through the development of the modern online world, aspiring artists from around the world have found amazing opportunities to learn and discover.

Even though technology advances, an artist’s fundamental needs will always exist.

A desire to contribute to this world as a creator in his field! To potentially discover his artistic identity in the process.

During that journey, an inner desire for uniqueness may emerge.

Not all uniqueness comes from knowledge, technique, or dexterity. Rather, it is the result of well-trained imagination coupled with the necessary technical and mental skills.

The question is, how do we do it?

as in:

  • What are some ways we can develop our own distinctive voice ?
  • What will we do if that voice does arise?
  • Will we acknowledge it when it comes?
  • Can we find this kind of fulfillment in our work
  • Are we comparing it with those of others?

Some artists find their voices with fewer details. (in the musical field, for example: chords, scales, and elements of complexity).

Despite the fact that there is always more to learn,
they know how to leverage their expertise

Using their tools to express their feelings and images.

Many musicians – find learning melodies, harmony, scales, rhythms, forms, variations, etc., enriching.

Certainly, it is another path,
but will they find a voice within all of this knowledge?

Daniel Weiss